
Agilent OpenLAB Chromatography Data System (CDS) For IT Managers

Source: Agilent Technologies

OpenLAB CDS is one key component of the Agilent OpenLAB Laboratory Software Suite. The OpenLAB suite is designed to capture, analyze and easily share analytical information.

OpenLAB CDS is one key component of the Agilent OpenLAB Laboratory Software Suite. The OpenLAB suite is designed to capture, analyze and easily share analytical information. OpenLAB uses industry proven best practices and software standards to create an architecture that is highly reliable and easily expandable. At the heart of OpenLAB is OpenLAB’s Shared Services which delivers new infrastructure and services for:

  • Common functions of Analytical Systems, Chromatographic Data Systems and Scientific Data Management Systems (SDMS)
  • Scaling systems from single workstation to networked workstations or up to enterprise client/server systems
  • Interconnecting software systems (Workstations, SDMS, LIMS, ELN)
  • Laboratory instrument management

OpenLAB CDS is the next generation of ChemStation and EZChrom Elite. OpenLAB CDS is designed on the new OpenLAB Shared Services architecture to better fi t into today’s modern IT infrastructure. Utilizing the new OpenLAB Shared Services Control Panel it also makes it the easiest application to manage and support.