
Fiberglass Oil/Water Separators

Source: Wilson & Associates, Inc.
The OS Series Fiberglass Coalescing Oil/Water Separators are designed for above grade applications
Wilson & Associates, Fiberglass Coalescing Oil/Water Separators are designed for above grade applications. The lightweight, compact separators are designed with features and options to provide engineers, system integrators and end users with convenience and flexibility in system integration choices. Customization and modifications are available.

The products removed include motor oils, fuels (vehicle/jet), fuel oils, hydraulic fluids, immiscible machining oils, lube oil, transmission fluid, bunker c, DNAPLs, LNAPLs, vegetable based oils, crude, air compressor lube and other hydrocarbon based derivatives. Model sizing is based on the oil/fuel specific gravity, droplet size removal desired and other parameters of the waste-stream. The flow rates covered are 1 through 50 GPM, and the performance of this separator is 10 mg/l, 20 or 30 micron non-emulsified, free and dispersed oils.

<%=company%>, W10728 Becker Road, Poynette, WI 53955. Tel: 608-635-7800. Fax: 608-635-7801.