Thermo Fisher Scientific Deploys SampleManager LIMS At Intertek

Philadelphia, PA - Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., recently announced that Intertek, global provider of quality and safety services, has selected SampleManager LIMS as its corporate standard to manage laboratory data in the laboratories of the Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri Division (Caleb Brett).
With its global headquarters in Houston, Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri division provides contract testing services to a range of industries from its analytical testing laboratories worldwide. SampleManager LIMS, a Thermo Scientific laboratory information management system (LIMS), was selected to replace an existing commercial system, as well as a home-grown LIMS and manual processes.
"Intertek selected SampleManager ultimately because it will benefit our own internal data-sharing and enhance our end-service to our customers. The system offers a majority of the functionality that Intertek requires, with the least amount of customization compared to other solutions we evaluated," said Darryl Jesionowski, Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri General Manager of Laboratories, Americas, and LIMS project manager. "We look forward to creating one virtual lab with this implementation, using a central server to connect all our Americas laboratories in real-time for access to data, no matter where it is entered."
As the leading provider of commercial laboratory services globally, Intertek handles high volumes of samples requiring rapid turnaround and accurate results for its customers, who range from world's largest oil companies to local service companies and operate across the commodities sector. A standardized SampleManager deployment integrates the many Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri laboratories in real-time for Intertek users and customers alike to access data.
Jesionowski explained that, previously, time and human resources were required to transfer data back and forth between laboratories and customers. "With SampleManager, data will automatically be available," he said. Additionally, Intertek benefits from SampleManager's thin-client Web interface, which enables remote users and customers to easily access data.
Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri, which piloted SampleManager in one of its larger laboratories, plans to deploy the LIMS across more than 90 percent of its Americas-based laboratories by 2008, and transition out the commercial LIMS now used independently in six laboratories by the end of 2007. Intertek's long-term strategy is to deploy SampleManager and other Thermo Scientific LIMS and chromatography data and spectroscopy software across Intertek Oil Chemical & Agri locations internationally, according to Jesionowski.
"SampleManager is an ideal solution for Intertek," said Dave Champagne, vice president and general manager of informatics at Thermo Fisher. "Our six-month pilot demonstrated that we not only had the technology, but also the domain expertise and services, to meet their needs now and as they evolve."
Thermo Fisher Scientific markets its leading laboratory software and related services under the Thermo Scientific brand. Thermo Scientific LIMS and CDS facilitate laboratory data in the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, petrochemical and chemical plants, food and beverage manufacturers, and other major industries. To support our global installations, Thermo Fisher Scientific provides implementation, validation, training, maintenance and support from the industry's largest worldwide informatics services network.
Intertek's Oil, Chemical & Agri division (Caleb Brett), provides 24/7/365 services to industry and markets including manufacturing, chemicals, energy, pharmaceutical and food. Intertek offers a wide range of R&D, laboratory testing, inspection, consultancy, outsourcing and related activities to support clients on a global basis.
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SOURCE: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and Intertek's Oil, Chemical & Agri division