

Source: Softrak Systems, Inc.
It combines the current version of TSCA in a database (DBF) format with a lightning fast Windows search engine, and it all fits on your hard drive
The Updated U. S. TSCA Inventory on Your Hard Drive!.......
TSCA Tracker is never more than about six months old and is the most user friendly version of the U.S.TSCA Inventory Available!

It combines the current version of TSCA in a database (DBF) format with a lightning fast Windows search engine, and it all fits on your hard drive.

The Electronic TSCA Inventory..... The most recent printed edition of the U.S. TSCA Inventory is the 1985 edition together with its 1990 supplement. However, Softrak is able to obtain the updated Master Inventory File information from the government twice per year as raw data files. We convert this electronic data to relational database files in the .DBF format which allows extremely fast and accurate searches.

How it's Searched..... TSCA TRACKER can be searched by CAS Number, Name, Molecular Formula, Former CAS Numbers, and by Key Strings. The Key String search feature shows the value of having the data in dbf format on your hard drive rather than the book format found on CD ROM applications. In most situations that are critical, the searcher does not know the CAS Number of the substance in question. A chemist may make a new substance in the lab or a plant might even make a new polymer by mistake. When TSCA Tracker does a Key String search, the names of the "hits" are all presented in a Windows listbox, and the full data of each is available at the click of the mouse. On the other hand, the key string "hits" (possibly hundreds) from a CD ROM search are scattered through 18 to 20 books which then have to be searched individually.

What's Included........
The electronic version of the U. S. TSCA Inventory contains the following data fields: Inventory Name, Other Submitted Names, CAS Number, Former CAS Numbers, Molecular Formula, Substance Definitions, UVCB Status, and Inventory Flags.

Softrak Systems, Inc., 3650 Nazareth Pike, Suite 112, Bethlehem, PA 18020. Tel: 610-868-2448; Fax: 610-868-8890.